Friday, July 18, 2008


Ha ha!

My doctor called this morning - called herself, mind you, didn't have a nurse call - and said, "Errin, to my great surprise you do have strep throat. You need to be on antibiotics."

I stood in the shower with shampoo in my hair, the phone pressed against my wet head. Soap crackled in my ear. "Really?" I asked.

"Yes. I would guess that you've had it for quite some time and it's been the cause of your repeated respiratory illnesses." She told me to come back to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for Penicillin. But I should continue to take my allergy medication and monitor my breathing, she said.

Ha! I am vindicated! I am not such a wuss after all. Take that, allergies! It takes more than a little seasonal distress to bring me down!

I have strep throat!

1 comment:

Chris and Penny said...

three cheers for strep throat! down with allergies! i hope the meds do the trick and you are on the mend in no time.