Wednesday, May 20, 2009

If I may use an example from gym class

I was surprised to find that my last post generated an immediate response from some of my friends. The consensus seems to be that I should either move to Utah or Vermont, where I might stand a snowball's chance in hell of buying a home. And also, might I deduce, where I'd be closer to my pals?

I love my friends. (But seriously, it's time for you to come home now.)

It's rare that I get comments on here, so I never know exactly who's reading. Sometimes writing this blog feels like a game of ghost volleyball. Did you ever play that back in elementary school? They'd cover the net with a parachute so you couldn't see where the ball was coming from. I loved ghost volleyball. It really evened the playing field for those of us not-so-athletic types.

But writing here is like flinging a ball over a covered net, and you're unsure if anybody's even on the other side.

Who's out there? Leave a comment. I'd like to know who I'm playing with.


Gina said...

I am...I've been reading them...I have been writing one too. :) Mostly about what has been happening through my experiences this year...Not many read it, but it really helps. :)

Anonymous said...

I read it..Monte

allyson said...

I've been reading from time to time!

emily said...

I read too. Stay in the Bay Area!


Katie Burke said...

I catch every post. I'm just catching up, after two weeks out of the country and away from the Internet.