Friday, March 27, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

I'm going to be singing with Vernon Bush on Sunday night at the Bazaar Cafe!

5927 CALIFORNIA ST. (Bet 21st & 22nd sts.)
415 / 831-5620

Sunday, March 29th
6:30 - 9 PM
No cover

Vernon performs AGAIN in this wonderful intimate cafe setting, singing some of his new inspiring material in addition to his signature sing along sets. You're sure to be inspired!! Please stop on by!!

Here's a little snippet of our rehearsal the other day. The quality is poor because I had my camera on the wrong setting by accident, and, as you can see, I managed to cut off most of my head. Oh well.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

wow errin! so beautiful!!!