OneMama needs our help!
I got this message from Siobhan this morning:
In case you're not yet familiar with her work, my friend Siobhan is the founder of OneMama, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing resources and awareness to the plight of women in impoverished, rural communities. She has begun this noble work with a pilot program in Uganda, and has opened a birthing clinic where women can go to have their babies in safe and clean conditions, as well as receive pre-natal and post-natal care.I feel like a bit of a failure. I have failed to raise the money I need to get everything for the clinic to see us through for the next 6 months. I am short $2,000.
It takes about $9,000 to $10,000 every 6 months to get all the birthing supplies and medicines, medical supplies, malaria tests and treatments, and then pay logistical and legal fees. Since so many NGOs are closing down now, our clinic is seeing an increase in people and we are not equipped. $2,000 will supply the bare minimum to get us through until January.
I know God will provide. It is just hard sometimes to know where to push and where to be still in God's will. I know I can't do it all, but it's not always that simple when people's lives are at risk.
I strongly urge you to check out OneMama's website and learn more about the movement that Siobhan has begun in Uganda. It is wholly inspiring. So it hurt my heart a little today to see her message that she feels like a failure.
$2,000 is not that much money. Not when it's split amongst many people.
Can you donate $5 to OneMama today? Go to www.onemama.org/give and click on Direct Donations to help Siobhan keep her clinic open.
I'm asking people to give just $5 because it's a small sum of money that, multiplied by a few hundred people, can make a huge difference. If you're moved to give more, please do. And please, help me spread the word. Link your Facebook or Twitter account to this post, or to OneMama's website. Tell your friends. This is a very achievable goal, and we can make a miracle happen for a woman who's making miracles happen for women everywhere.
Thank you for your help!

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