Monday, April 13, 2009


Yesterday we were driving to church for the sunrise service. Which sounds lovely, until you factor in the 4:15 AM wake-up call.

So it was still dark, because it was essentially the middle of the night, and I pointed out the window toward the full moon. "Lookit the moon," I mumbled, sleepily.

"Uh huh," Monte replied, slightly less sleepily (I hope), because he was driving. "It's a Jesus moon."

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"A Jesus moon. The moon they used to find Jesus."

I paused. "The moon who used to find Jesus?"

"You know, those guys. They followed the moon to find him."

I took this in. "Are you talking about the wise men?" I finally asked.

"Yeah," he said, "those guys."

I whooped. "You mean the three wise men who followed the star to Bethlehem at Christmas?"

Now Monte was silent. Processing. A moment later he said decisively: "Yes."

I laughed myself wide awake. "You need to go to church more," I wheezed, wiping tears of mirth from my eyes.

That's mirth, not myrrh.

Here's a little taste of Easter morning at Glide. Have you ever seen a church so thoroughly rocking?

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