Monday, November 3, 2008

Will work for food

I just got back from a two week vacation in Europe and I was going to write all about it, but today I got laid off. And now I don't feel like writing about my super-fun vacation anymore.

The kick in the pants is that I was on a company trip. The travel company that I work(ed) for has an annual Staff Ride, and this year we biked through Northeastern Italy and Slovenia. I've been complaining about my job for two and a half years, but I had such a great time on this trip that it really made me re-evaluate my situation. I went into work this morning thinking how lucky I am to work at a place that grants me such great opportunities and how much I like the people I work with. And this afternoon they let me go.

Now I hate them again.

Oh, this stupid recession. Can you believe that I actually thought I was immune to it? When the market tanked and everyone around me started to panic, I mused: Hmm. I don't own any property. I don't have any investments. I make so little money that I never even started a 401K. I've literally got nothing to lose.

Except my freaking job.

I just spent all my money, I mean all my damn money, on this trip to Europe and they lay me off the day I get back. That's cold, bro.

I should note that I'm one of 17 people who got the axe. But at the moment it feels very personal. Ten minutes after I was given the news, an email went out to the company listing the names of those who were let go. We weren't even given time to process the information before everybody learned of it.

Oh, I'm crabby. I'm jet-lagged and I'm crabby. I'm poke-a-kid-and-make-him-cry-and-then-yell-at-him-for-crying crabby. You should probably avoid me for a day or so.

Stupid company. I didn't want to work for you anyway.

Yeah I did.


Arin said...

Oh, Errin! I am so sorry. Having been through a layoff during the last economic shrinkage and also on a less-than-ideal day (my birthday) I can totally identify. It sucks. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Chris and Penny said...

OMG! Errin, I am so sorry! that sucks that you got laid off! and right on the tails of your awesome trip. man! i hate that place for you today! i hope to hear all about your trip when you are in a place to write about it. ugh! i am so irate for you right now! can you collect unemployment? i hope that will work out and will help somewhat! xoxoxo

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about your job. You know the saying; "When God closes a door, he opens a window". Well I don't believe it's true! Actually, in the depths of feeling loss, I can't access that grace. However, as time goes by I realize that this is true. I hope you find your window soon. Randall.

Katie Burke said...

Remember that, Errin: you didn't want to work for them, anyway. The universe provided.

I've known all along that, with your incredible talent and stage presence, your singing career will take you farther than any j-o-b ever could. And yeah, you'll probably need a day job. But not the one you just "lost."

I think you won.

Anonymous said...

Errin... *HUGS* Sorry I've been distant the past month or so. Let me know if you want to talk or have a running partner with the kids. I've been going through some rough spots myself. Maybe we can have lunch sometime (I can call in 'sick') and you can tell me all about your trip. *HUGS*